The state of Indiana allows minors to begin working at the age of 14 as long as specific requirements are met. Such requirements include acquiring a valid employment certificate and an employment schedule that doesn’t interfere with school. Indiana also has labor laws that restrict certain types of employment for a minor and laws that limit hours the minor could work.
Employment Certificate
An employment certificate, also known as a “work permit”, is required for minors through the ages of 14 and 17. This document must be available in the work environment for inspection at all times (Indiana Code 20-33-3-1, 20-33-3-43). A minor should attempt to get a work permit after he/she has been employed by an employer. The work permit can be issued by an issuing officer or a licensed teacher from the accredited school the minor resides in. Issuing officers must be either school social workers, attendance officers (must be licensed teachers), principals, guidance counselors or assistance principals.
Obtaining A Work Permit
The following documents must be presented to the issuing officer:
- Proof of the potential employment
- Proof of age
Issuing officers maintain the right to revoke a work permit if any of the following limitations are infringed:
- A work permit can only be used in 2 locations of employment
- A work permit may not be used for occupations that are prohibited to minors
- A job schedule shall not overlap with the minor’s school schedule
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