The Alaska Human Rights Act (AHRA) prohibits discrimination against a job applicant and any employee based on religion, sex, national origin, race, color, age, mental or physical disability, marital status, parenthood, and pregnancy. The AHRA applies to employers with more than one employee, but is excluded to private, nonprofit and private companies. Employers that are covered by the AHRA are prohibited from refusing employment to a person, excluding a certain person from employment or discriminating a person on the basis of the protected personal characteristics. The AHRA also prohibits sexual harassment and the unequal pay between women and men. Equal pay must be given between both genders if the tasks being performed are the same.
Protected characteristic traits under the AHRA:
- Sex
- Age
- Religion
- Color
- National origin
- Physical or mental disability
- Marital status
- Pregnancy
- Parenthood
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