Breaks in Pennsylvania are required to be unpaid if it is twenty minutes or more. Breaks that are less than twenty minutes are meant to be paid for especially if you are answering phone calls or doing work related task while on the twenty-minute break. Pennsylvania is not required to give their adult employees a meal break. If an employer in Pennsylvania decides not to give their employee a meal break, they are not violating PA laws. However, an employer in Pennsylvania must provide reasonable bathroom breaks to their employees, if they fail to do so they may be in violation of the labor laws.
PA is not required to give adults breaks, but they are required to give children the appropriate breaks to follow the law. Anybody between the age of fourteen and seventeen who works five or more consecutive hours must take a minimum break of thirty minutes which is going to be considered unpaid or paid based on the employer. All rest breaks that are twenty minutes or less will be considered paid.
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